Thursday, December 31, 2009

10 Trading Mistakes

May this year be coloured

With countless hues of


Wishing you a

Healthy, Happy and Prosperous 2010 !!

10 Trading Mistakes

1. Refusing to define a loss.

2. Not liquidating a losing trade, even after you have acknowledged the trade’s potential is greatly diminished.

3. Getting locked into a specific opinion or belief about market direction. From a psychological perspective this is equivalent to trying to control the market with your expectation of what it will do: “I’m right, the market is wrong.”

4. Focusing on price and the monetary value of a trade, instead of the potential for the market to move based on its behavior and structure.

5. Revenge-trading as if you were trying get back at the market for what it took away from you.

6. Not reversing your position even when you clearly sense a change in market direction.

7. Not following the rules of the trading system.

8. Planning for a move or feeling one building, but then finding yourself immobilized to hit the bid or offer, and therefore denying yourself the opportunity to profit.

9. Not acting on your instincts or intuition.

10. Establishing a consistent pattern of trading success over a period of time, and then giving your winnings back to the market in one or two trades and starting the cycle over again.

Thanks and Regards

S&P Wealth Creators

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The calls given here are My Personal views, trading or investing in stocks is a high risk activity. Any action you choose to take in the markets is totally your own responsibility. S&P Wealth Creators will not be liable for any, direct or indirect, consequential or incidental damages or loss arising out of the use of this information.
Investors should be cautious about any and all stock recommendations and should consider the source of any advice on stock selection. Various factors, including personal or corporate ownership, may influence or factor into an expert’s stock analysis or opinion.


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